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Podcast "Media & Society"


12 raidieraksta “Mediji un sabiedrība” (Media & Society) sērijas ir adresētas mediju nozares profesionāļiem, pētniekiem, politikas veidotājiem un ikvienam, kurš vēlas labāk saprast to, kā veidojas mediju un sabiedrības attiecības Latvijā un Igaunijā.

Raidieraksta sērijas vada Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes doktorante, Sociālo zinātņu pētniecības centra pētniece Līga Ozoliņa

Podkāsts ir angļu valodā. Te vari sekot podkāstam Spotify vietnē. 

The Media & Society podcast offers a platform for in-depth conversations about how people experience, think about, and feel regarding media and journalism. Aimed at media professionals and scholars, it explores the multifaceted relationship between media, journalism, and audiences in two Baltic countries — Latvia and Estonia.

The podcast series is hosted by Līga Ozoliņa, a PhD student at Rīga Stradiņš University and a researcher at the Social Sciences Research Centre.

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What it’s like to be a journalist in Latvia and Estonia. Inga Spriņģe and Holger Roonemaa | 1

Why does Inga Spriņģe envy her husband Holger Roonemaa and other Estonian journalists? Is the start-up mentality in media editorial offices and journalists' minds the new normal? What does it mean to be creative in journalism today? Is the ability to write or tell stories in an engaging way enough? These and other important questions are discussed in the first episode of the podcast Media & Society with the podcast host Līga Ozoliņa. The conversation features the cross-border journalist couple – Inga Spriņģe, journalist and founder of the investigative journalism center Re:Baltica, and Holger Roonemaa, an Estonian investigative journalist and editor, head of the investigative journalism team at the news site Delfi in Estonia.


Theme song: Jeremy Blake, Science Montage, Youtube audio library

Vizuālā identitāte un skaņas režija: Marta Herca

Zinātnieka grants “Nozīmes piešķiršana medijiem: non-media-centric un open-ended pieeja ar medijiem saistīto pieredžu un uzskatu par medijiem izpētē” (“Making sense of media: a non-media-centric and open-ended approach to the study of media-related experiences and perceptions”) Nr. RSU-ZG-2024/1-0007 ir starpdisciplināra pētījuma iniciatīva, kas tiek realizēta projekta “RSU iekšējā un RSU ar LSPA ārējā konsolidācija” Nr. ietvaros (finansē Eiropas Savienības Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāns un valsts budžets).

The podcast series is recorded at Riga Stradiņš University’s multimedia studio and is made as part of the research project 'Making sense of media: a non-media-centric and open-ended approach to the study of media-related experiences and perceptions', No. RSU-ZG-2024/1-0007, funded by the 'RSU internal and RSU with LSPA external consolidation' project, No.